Monday, March 1, 2010

I Think... Life is too short

Life is too short…

Why waste it hating,
thinking about how you can hurt the people that have hurt you in the past?

Life is too short…

Why waste it expecting too much?
Why do you keep expecting someone to give you something that they don’t owe you?

Life is too short…

Why waste it lying?
Refusing to express what and how you feel and saying things when you don’t mean them

Life is too short…

Why waste it in regret?
You know you cannot undo what has been done? Please, move on jo!

Life is too short…

Why waste it trying to be like others?
They are living their own lives… live yours!

Life is too short…

Why waste it mingling with fear?
If you want something good… go get it!

Life is too short…

Why spend all of it praying?
I am a Christian too but nothing will happen unless you begin to act!

Life is too short…

Why live life the way people say?
What do you want to do? Figure it out and do it.

Life is too short…

Why hate that you are or were in love?
It’s a privilege few people enjoy. Make the most of it!

Life is too short…

Live with a clear conscience…
Love without fear…
Learn from your mistakes…
Be You…


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