Monday, March 1, 2010

To All Women!

I woke up on Saturday morning and something my dad had said to me a few years ago kept repeating itself in my head. I was being pissed off by a girl in school. Out of anger and maybe hope that someone would support me I told my dad... I remember he hated how Cynthia R. beat up men in her movies. So I told him that a girl was getting on my nerves and I wanted to beat her. He looked at me as if to say... “Boy, are you crazy?” then he gave me the warning of my life. “If I ever hear that you raised your hand to hit a woman... I will beat you to sleep. If you think you are strong, fight a man like you!” ...and I have never hit a woman in my life... Thanks dad!

My father also had a thing for protecting women. He would tell me, “Always walk on the right hand side of a woman. That way she is in a safe position on the road.” Now women believe I am a gentleman. Well, I! Thanks again dad.

This might sound like a tribute to my dad but it’s actually not. It is a dedication to Women. The women I know and those that I don’t know. Those that have knowingly or unknowingly hurt me and those that I may have done same to. The ones that have been useful to my life goals and the ones that have come into my life to ruin it. As far as i am concerned, this is the month I am dedicating to you all.

To women being abused and you don’t have the courage to talk to someone about it. I need you to come out of your shell and regain your respect.

To the women who have been heartbroken, please move on... he had enough power to make you cry when he left, don’t give him more by holding on to things that don’t want to hold on to you.

To the women that face making tough decisions in their lives, remember what really matters to you. Yourself or the people you love... the things that make you happy.

To the loyal and faithful woman, I tip my hat in respect and admiration that in spite of all the challenges and wooing by other man, you DECIDED to stay faithful. More power to your elbow.

To the single mother of three who has managed to raise her children without dragging her name into the mud, God will reward your work... here on this earth.

To the mother of five boys, that would die before letting harm come her children’s way. I love you Mom.

To the woman, who has to keep her job and her family together, may God grant you the strength you need.

To the industrious, hard working and committed lady in my life. Thank you for your support and love Doyinsola. I appreciate it all!

To the women who would agree to be in pain and discomfort for 9 months, your deed will never be forgotten.

To the beautiful women who face the challenges of being seen as sex objects by the people they love, trust and respect, I hope you find happiness with the people who truly care.

To those being scorned because of how they look, beauty is always in the eyes of the beholder. Some people do recognise and appreciate TRUE beauty.

To the friend who would trust and give and not ask for anything in return, thank you for your friendship Sade.

To every woman going through hurt in any form, I cannot say I know what you are going through because I truly don’t... just know that someone somewhere is thinking about you with respect, love and admiration.

This is to all Women.

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